?Have you heard about petroleum bath for skin care

Modern way to use petroleum in skin care Where women are used in Azerbaijan (petroleum) in a bath for the skin

Benefits of "steam bath" for the skin

Women bathed in Azerbaijan crude oil basins hot 40 ° C for the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, calm the 

.nerves and relax

Cleopatra bath is not a myth
 crude oil bath should not exceed 10 minutes, as scientists warn of the length of stay in the bathroom so as not to activate 

And has a role in protection from disease


  1. Really Interesting Consideration... for those looking for Skin Care Alternatives !!!

  2. COR-TAR-QUIN Cream from Bayer Germany,already contains Cor-tar-quin or Brea de Alquitran de Hulla (in Spanish), activator of Skin Filaggrin for centuries.
    A recent Evidence Based Study asserted the benefit of Oil Baths caring and curing ECZEMA, allergic and non-allergic.


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